
Shyamala Suri


Shyamala suri is one of the directors of tonsmiles life sciences pvt ltd started in the year 2015. A double post graduate in m.A. English and m.A. Telugu.She embarked on an entrepreneurial journey with her life patrner and centered on the vision that it should bring tons of smiles.
She is actively participating in prodcut designing, development, strategic sourcing, procurement and few of the promotional events. She is a good people manager.
Identifying herself as the first women from her family who is actively contributing in the pharmacy industry with the encouragemnet from her life partner by over coming the hurdles in logistics & fianacial management.
Apart from business she has over 11 years of experience in teaching line. Her experience in teaching “expressive english and creative skills” by body gestures and dramatic representation has helped to design a book and an audio visual curriculum to make the children learn english and creative skills in better way and more creatively.She is a good philanthrophist.